Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Salam...I actually wanted to express my feeling of my working place. In business, the term which is suitable to portray the ups and downs of social relationship in any organization that will influence the job performance is the organizational politics. Eventhough I consider school as a sacred place to work but as an organization the political phenomena could always be seen here. School is supposed not to be influnced by the buzzing of unhealthy practices as it is a place where people get together to seek and imparting knowledge. The nature of knowledge is sacred by itself. So, why people still practice back stabbing, back biting, going up in the expense of others, selfish...and so on. The answer to all these lies not only on the principal's shoulders but it should be everybody's business. If we want to stop the negative culture and uphold a clearer image, everybody has to take the responsibility to make a change. The change must be made from the inside out, it should start from the bottom of everyone's heart...then only we can make a steady move. One of the loopholes contributes to the organizational political instability is due to the communication break down. Everybody is not talking using the "same language", the hearts are not beating the same rhythm...everybody is not working towards achieving the same goal. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Everyone has his or her own objective to be fulfilled. The school vision is not shared. The school missions are not carried out in team. What will happen in the end?. Most staff will feel demotivated, dissatisfied, lack of interest, overlooked many important things, disrespect each other and so one could give his or her best when the situation is at each other's throats...
Below is an article regarding communication perhaps it should be helpful to correct the political havoc in any working place as breakdown communication could lead to misunderstanding.

Communication being the mother of all skills must be mastered by one and all for professional as well as personal success. Communication is an art which has to be mastered by the professionals irrespective of their position. The components of communication are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). If you master these components, you will become good manager and able to get the things done to the satisfaction of your superiors.

Listening being the first component of Communication skill, one has to practice this skill with all the attentiveness required to reciprocate, react and to give constructive feedback. Without listening one cannot be effective in discharging their duties in the workplace. In a nutshell, listening is considered as the key skill in communicating with others. For example, if you do not listen attentively, you cannot discharge your duties effectively to the satisfaction of your boss. You may lose the edge over your competitors in the workplace. Your appraisal may not be up to the mark. If you are a Secretary or a Stenographer, you must be more attentive compared to others. One small mistake committed due to lack of attention may put the project in problem which you are handling. Proactive listening will help you to climb the ladder of success. Active listening is that wherein you are active only in listening, but proactive listening will motivate and prompts you to take action on the points which you have listened through your boss, peers or subordinates. This will help you to become a key member of the team. You have take the expression as it is while listening to the speaker but should not react immediately.

Speaking can be mastered only with practice. The ability to speak clearly will determine the effectiveness of the individual in the workplace. Your clarity of thought is reflected in your way of speaking and choosing the right words. Choosing the right words for the right occasion to express in the right place and with right people will help you to master the art of speaking. One has to practice this art of speaking by understanding the situation and the vocabulary of different industry segments with which you are associated. SIP in the field of education means Summer Internship program but the same SIP sounds different in the field of banking i.e. Systematic Investment Plan. Before globalization the jargon of recruitment is different from post globalization. Previously it was recommendation and now it was with reference you can find a placement of your choice. Now-a-days, many are spelling the word schedule as schedule due to the influence of American work culture in the Indian Work Place. Observation also will help you to become a good speaker. Positive expression while talking to your boss, peers, and subordinates will create positive vibes in the workplace. You should not go to your boss with the word ‘complaint’ in your expression; instead you must rearrange the sentence with the expression as ‘I would like to bring to your kind notice’. This way, one can master speaking skills in the workplace and help in creating positive vibrations in the workplace.

Emotional intelligence/balance while speaking will give you edge over others. One must be Assertive communicator while talking to others. Aggressive communication or reaction will spoil the atmosphere and may not help in getting the things done. The communication must be apt to the situation and should not express in over tones.

Your perception will influence your way of communicating with others. One should not impose the perception or opinion on others through their way of expression. You must give choice and freedom to others to choose and express their view point. If you are precise and pin pointed with your communication, you can avoid politics in the work place. You can avoid grapevine in the workplace. You can avoid heart burns in the work place.

Reading maketh a complete man. This quote reflects the importance of reading in the life of a professional. Reading also includes studies, wherein you have to try to improve your qualifications and skills which would help move fast on the career path. Lack of reading skills or not concentrating much on reading the latest developments in your field will make you a novice in the workplace. Those who update knowledge of their field continuously will climb the ladder of success in the workplace without many hassles. Those who doesn’t concentrate on improving their reading skills will not be in the race of promotion or any kind of other career developing appraisals happen from time to time in the continuous learning organizations.

Writing i.e. letter drafting and report writing forms part of the life of a professional wherein one has to possess these skills to become an effective manager. A professional has to master the art of writing which is useful in the workplace to communicate effectively and to assert his stand in every situation. Lack of writing skills will be an obstruction in the progress of one’s career path and can mar the future prospects.

Barriers in communication can be overcome with concentration and observation. Focusing on the mode of communication and its effectiveness will help to reduce the effectiveness of barriers in communication. In an ‘open cabin culture’ in the work place, one cannot expect ‘noiseless’ atmosphere. Cell phones in the workplace also will become barriers for effective communication.
To avoid barriers in communication in the workplace, one has to develop ‘accommodating culture’.
Basics of Effective Communication

• It matters not so much what you say as it does how you say it.
• Your communication style is a SET of various behaviors and methods of relaying information that impact all facets of life.
• The goal should always be to understand – not to be right.
• Get the facts before you pass judgment. Some styles lend themselves better to this than others.
• Learning all communication styles is important in order to avoid communicating in less effective ways and in order to recognize those styles in others so as to be able to deal with them.
• People are not difficult. They only seem difficult to the extent that we do not have the skills to deal with what they bring to the table. It is our lack of knowledge that makes the situation difficult.
Which is the Best Style?
• All styles have their proper place and use.
• Assertive communication is the healthiest. – Boundaries of all parties are respected. – Easier to problem-solve; fewer emotional outbursts. – It requires skills and a philosophy change, as well as lots of practice and hard work. – When both parties do it, no one is hurt in any way and all parties win on some level.

Understanding Communication Styles - Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive Communication -
Passive Communication

• Allowing our own rights to be violated by failing to express our honest feelings.
• The goal of being a passive communicator is to avoid conflict no matter what.
• Little risk involved – very safe.
• Little eye contact, often defers to others’ opinions, usually quiet tone, may suddenly explode after being passive too long.
Examples of Passive Communication
• “I don’t know.”
• “Whatever you think.”
• “You have more experience than I. You decide.”
• “I’ll go with whatever the group decides.”
• “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me.”
• “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. . . NO!”

Aggressive Communication

• Protecting one’s own rights at the expense of others’ rights – no exceptions.
• The goal of the aggressor is to win at all costs; to be right.
• Does not consider actions a risk because this person thinks they will always get their way. It is risky in terms of relationships, however.
• Eye contact is angry and intimidating; lots of energy; loud and belittling; never defers to others, or at least does not admit to; manipulative and controlling. Often uses violence or verbal abuse.
Examples of Aggressive Communication
• “I don’t know why you can’t see that this is the right way to do it.” • “It’s going to be my way or not at all.”
• “You’re just stupid if you think that will work.”
• “That kind of logic will sink the company.”
• “Who cares what you feel. We’re talking about making things work here.”

Passive-Aggressive Communication

• Forfeiting your own rights initially, followed by manipulation and vengeance later.
• The goal of this style is to avoid conflict and then make the other party wish they had seen it your way.
• Avoids risk initially, risks relationships later, then acts surprised when people are mad.
• Behaves passively to people’s face, then aggressively when they are not around. Often uses sarcasm.

Examples of Passive-Aggressive Communication

• “Sure, doctor. I’d be happy to write that verbal order,” but back on the unit the order is “forgotten.”
• “I love your hair. Most people probably can’t even tell it’s a wig.” • “I hear what you’re saying, and I wouldn’t want to make waves, so I’ll do what you say even though someone will probably get sued.”
Assertive Communication
• Protecting your own rights without violating the rights of others.
• The goal of the assertive person is to communicate with respect and to understand each other; to find a solution to the problem.
• Takes a risk with others in the short run, but in the long run relationships are much stronger.
• Eye contact maintained; listens and validates others; confident and strong, yet also flexible; objective and unemotional; presents wishes clearly and respectfully.
Examples of Assertive Communication
• “So what you’re saying is. . . .”
• “I can see that this is important to you, and it is also important to me. Perhaps we can talk more respectfully and try to solve the problem.”
• “I think. . . I feel. . . I believe that. . . .”
• “I would appreciate it if you. . .”

Assertiveness Skills

I - Persistence

1. Stay focused on the issue – do not get distracted, defensive, or start justifying yourself. 2. Repeat the “bottom line” to keep the conversation on track and your issues on the table (e.g., “I understand that, however we are talking about. . .”). 3. Alternative styles would withdraw or would escalate this to a battle of wills that would override compromise.

II - Objectivity

1. Focus on the problem, not on the emotions that often accompany and cloud problems. Postpone discussion if emotions cannot be contained. 2. Use the validation skill (next) to handle others’ emotions so you can focus on objective issues.

III – Validation

• Allow people to have their experience, but try to move beyond it to a discussion about the problem. • You do not necessarily have to disagree or agree – people’s perspectives are important, but they are not the heart of the issue, so don’t make a battle over them. Validate them and get to the issue. • “If that’s how you see it, that’s fine.”
• “I can see that this upsets you, and from your perspective, I can see why. Now, what can we do to make this better for both of us?”

IV – Owning

• Being assertive means you also must own what is yours to own. If the other person has a point about your behavior, own it (this is the “. . .without violating the rights of others” part). Bulldozing over that is aggressive.
• Accept someone’s criticism as feedback rather than an attack. (e.g., “You could be right about that. . .”, “That is entirely possible, knowing me. . .”) Where is the value in fighting another’s negative opinion about us? Perspective is hard to change when directly challenged. This shows that IF their perspective were true, you’d own it.

V – Challenging False Information

• When attacked with false and negative statements, do not fall prey to defensiveness. That only escalates emotions.
• Look for the grain of truth and validate it. This knocks barrier walls down and opens the door for discussion about the real problem.
• At times people are rigid and a more forceful stance is needed. E.g., “I’m sorry, I simply do not see it that way, but you are more than entitled to your opinion.”
• Disagree, using factual information. E.g., “Actually, I was at work, so that could not have been me.”

VI – Pumping the Negatives

• When criticized, ask for more negative feedback – do so assertively, as though you are trying to learn more about how to be better in that area (and in fact, that should be your goal). E.g., “Tell me more about what is bothering you about my report.”
• Stay task oriented!!! If you slip into emotions and get offended, you lose. Pump practical negatives (not baseless criticisms) and how your actions can be improved to help solve the problems.
VII – Humor

• Humor breaks down negative emotions.
• Humor can put tense situations at ease.
• When grain of truth is found, joke about it while owning it.
• Be careful to use humor appropriately and professionally.

When Aggression is Appropriate

• In an emergency
• When there is not time to spend on a compromise.
• When your opinion is based on several facts, you therefore KNOW you are right, and there is not time to utilize assertiveness skills.

When Passivity is Appropriate

• When the results of pushing the issue would cause problems that outweigh the benefits.
• When issues are minor. • When there is a power differential that is not in your favor and the other party is getting agitated by your assertiveness. • When the other individual’s position is impossible to change. (E.g., the law).

What is “Okay” in Assertive Behavior?

• It is okay to say “I don’t know.”
• It is okay to say “No,” or “I cannot do that.”
• It is okay to make mistakes as long as responsibility is taken for them.
• It is okay to disagree and to verbalize that.
• It is okay to challenge others’ opinions or actions.
• It is okay to not accept another’s opinion as factual or accurate (e.g., getting criticized).
• It is okay to ask for a change in behavior.

Cultivate the habit of communicating assertively, to enhance your effectiveness in the workplace. Measurable performance is always assessed by way of your positive communication skills. If you are not an effective communicator, you may not be in a position to sell yourself effectively in the workplace. Thus, effective communication plays vital role for your success in professional life as well as in your personal life.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Artikel di bawah ini aku petik sebagai sumber motivasi dan inspirasi bagi aku yang sedang bertungkus lumus untuk menyiapkan PHD aku.

Apabila aku menjalani proses pembelajaran ini yang bermula dari semester pertama hingga sekarang ini aku berada disemester ke enam di UITM yang aku sayangi...aku semakin dapat merasakan dan memahami kenapa orang yang menuntut ilmu ini di golongkan sebagai fi sabilillah dan dan kematiannya adalah mati syahid. Aku bersyukur memilih jalan ini kerana melalui proses pembelajaran ini semakin mendekatkan aku kepada yang Maha Pencipta lagi Yang Maha Agung. Tatkala orang lain enak dibuai mimpi di atas katil yang empuk aku memaksa diriku untuk bangun dalam dinginnya dinihari. Kadang-kadang melakukan proses key in data, kadang-kadang membuat literature review dan sebagainya lagi.

Walau bagaimanapun lebih indah dan manisnya sekiranya sebelum memulakan pencarian ilmu itu dapat kita mulai dengan menyerahkan diri kita di hadapan Allah terlebih dahulu kerana Allah tidak mencurahkan keberkatan ilmuNya kepada mereka yang mendapatkannya bukan dengan jalan yang diredhaiNya.

"Ijazah doktor falsafah (PhD) adalah pencapaian tertinggi yang ingin dikejar oleh setiap mahasiswa yang mencintai bidang akademik. Sebaik melangkah ke universiti, mereka digalakkan untuk menanam azam melanjutkan pengajian sehingga ke tahap PhD supaya lebih ramai pensyarah dan penyelidik dapat dilahirkan oleh universiti.
Sehingga kini 31 peratus daripada 18,000 pensyarah mempunyai ijazah doktor falsafah berbanding 69 peratus yang belum ada. Jumlah ini merangkumi 20 universiti awam, 36 universiti swasta dan kolej universiti, 21 politeknik, 37 kolej komuniti dan 485 kolej swasta.
Kerajaan meletakkan 60 peratus pensyarah perlu mempunyai PhD menjelang 2010 untuk melengkap persediaan negara sebagai negara maju pada 2020 nanti. Daripada kenyataan ini, nampak ketara yang keperluan terhadap PhD sangat mendesak.
Malaysia menghadapi cabaran yang sangat getir bagi memenuhi keperluan berkenaan kerana jumlah pelajar yang melangkah masuk ke institusi pengajian tinggi tidak ramai. Pelajar-pelajar di Amerika Syarikat yang mempunyai pendidikan tinggi ialah 40 peratus daripada jumlah penduduknya. Negara-negara maju yang lainnya turut mencatatkan jumlah yang tinggi bagi pelajar yang melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat kolej atau universiti. Untuk merealisasikan hasrat kerajaan, banyak lagi usaha yang mesti dilakukan khususnya menarik minat pelajar ijazah pertama menyambung pengajian mereka ke peringkat seterusnya.
Langkah kerajaan mewujudkan gred 51 di institusi pengajian tinggi awam bagi menggalakkan lebih ramai lulusan PhD di universiti dilihat sebagai langkah penambahbaikan awal yang masih belum mencukupi. PhD adalah lambang kegigihan dan kesungguhan belajar, jadi habuan juga mesti setimpal dengan kesungguhan berkenaan.
Di Barat khususnya universiti-univrsiti ternama, ahli akademik diberi pengiktirafan dan penghormatan yang sangat tinggi. Selain status sosial, banyak kemudahan diutamakan kepada mereka. Gaji pensyarah sangat lumayan. Elaun berkaitan bidang tugas juga banyak dan diberi keutamaan serta insentif menulis buku dalam bidang kepakaran masing-masing.
Oleh kerana itu, para pensyarah berlumba-lumba menulis buku dan mendapat pulangan yang banyak kerana buku-buku ini diterbit dan dicetak bagi diedarkan ke seluruh dunia. Setiap buku bukannya berharga RM10 malah mencecah RM200 hingga RM400 sebuah.
Hanya dengan sebuah buku, pensyarah di Barat mendapat motivasi untuk terus menulis seterusnya bidang penulisan menjadi tradisi dan budaya, ia akan terus menyuburkan penyelidikan, penerbitan dan bilangan seminar dari semasa ke semasa. Di sinilah mereka mula membina nama, reputasi dan dapat meletakkan harga yang tinggi bagi setiap sesi perundingan jika mana-mana pihak ingin mendapatkan kepakaran mereka.
Para pensyarah kita masih berlegar-legar di universiti tempatan dan tidak begitu berminat meneroka peluang-peluang di Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan atau negara-negara Balkan. Kita lebih selesa berada di negara sendiri, berbangga dengan PhD yang diperoleh dan tidak cuba mengembangkan kepakaran mereka ke luar negara.
Cabaran mendapat PhD mengundang pelajar-pelajar dari Iran dan negara-negara Arab ke Malaysia dalam dua tiga tahun kebelakangan ini. Kesungguhan mereka sangat terserlah khususnya pelajar Palestine yang begitu tekun belajar. Tidak tahu mereka bertanya. Apabila tahu mereka menerangkannya pula kepada rakan-rakan yang lain. Palestine adalah di antara negara yang mempunyai lulusan PhD tertinggi di dunia kerana hidup mereka adalah untuk berjuang dan pendidikan adalah salah satu saluran perjuangannya. Setelah tamat belajar, mereka bertebaran ke seluruh dunia dengan mendapat tawaran gaji berganda-ganda daripada rakan mereka di Malaysia. Pensyarah kita cukup bangga apabila mendapat RM5,000 sedangkan mereka patut dibayar RM10,000 sebulan.
Mendapat PhD adalah lambang status dan imej. Ia menaikkan maruah dan nilai diri. Ia juga sebagai pengesahan ke atas penguasaan bidang ilmu yang diceburi dan menjadi rujukan. Seorang lulusan PhD menjadi kebanggaan universiti dan berhak mendapat tempat kemuliaan dalam akademik. Ia juga berhak mendapat pengiktirafan yang lebih baik daripada kerajaan jika ingin melihat pelajar berlumba-lumba mendapatkan PhD.
Kerajaan berperanan memberi insentif gaji dan elaun yang lebih tinggi bagi menarik lulusan PhD ini. Skim gaji yang lebih baik akan pasti menarik minat ramai pelajar untuk melihat profesion pensyarah dengan lebih serius.
Kemudahan melakukan penyelidikan mesti dutamakan kerana selain mengajar, pensyarah juga terlibat dalam penyelidikan. Rungutan pensyarah di Malaysia ialah tidak mendapat geran penyelidikan yang banyak dan kadangkala agak lambat. Jadi, mereka tidak berminat dengan penyelidikan sedangkan kerajaan meminta pensyarah membuat penyelidikan dalam bidang kepakaran mereka untuk dimanfaatkan kepada negara dan masyarakat. Tanpa geran bagaimana hendak melakukan kajian dan penyelidikan?
Setelah PhD berada di dalam genggaman, seorang pensyarah ingin melangkah lebih jauh dalam dunia akademik iaitu mendapat gelar profesor madya dan profesor. Untuk mencapai tahap ini, seorang pensyarah perlu menulis, membuat penyelidikan dan membentangkan hasil kajian mereka di dalam persidangan. Usaha-usaha ini bukannya senang kerana ada pensyarah yang bekerja 15 tahun untuk mendapat gelar berkenaan.
Profesor adalah pencapaian tertinggi dalam dunia akademik yang menjadi idaman setiap pensyarah. Tempoh sepuluh hingga 15 tahun adalah jangka masa untuk mengecap gelaran tersebut. Bagaimanapun ia bergantung kepada kerajinan dan kesungguhan bekerja ke arah berkenaan. Menjadi seorang profesor tidak begitu dibebankan dengan pengajaran kerana peranannya lebih kepada memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat melalui pemikiran dan hasil penyelidikan mereka.
Hasrat kerajaan untuk melihat lebih ramai lulusan PhD mesti dizahirkan dengan tindakan. Beri kemudahan pembiayaan kewangan, banyakkan tempat belajar dan berikan insentif galakan atau pelepasan cukai supaya bebenan pelajar dapat dikurangkan. Bilangan universiti tidak perlu ditambah sebaliknya bidang pengkhususan diperluaskan dan disokong dengan tenaga pengajar yang mahir dan berkelayakan di peringkat PhD.
Proses pembelajaran sangat berkait dengan galakan dan dorongan. Jika kerajaan memberi motivasi untuk pensyarah dan pelajar meneruskan pengajian mereka, sudah tentu masalah kekurangan lulusan PhD tidak akan menjadi masalah utama. Terpulang kerana pembuat dasar pendidikan negara untuk merancang melahirkan ramai lulusan PhD ini dalam jangka masa singkat sebelum 2020 nanti"

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hari ini aku ke Sg Klah Hot Spring sebagai melengkapkan tuntutan berrehlah...dengan ke sana aku dapat menjana semula tenaga yang telah banyak digunakan sepanjang minggu. Otak yang cergas datang dari badan yang sihat. Di sana ada hot spring pool dan ada fresh water pool. Aku berkesempatan merasa kesegaran kedua-duanya sekali. Di samping itu aku juga melakukan aktiviti merebus telor dari sumber mata air panas yang mempunyai kepanasan suhu 90 darjah celcius, cukup untuk memasak telor fully boiled for 6 - 7 minutes. It was RM10.00 per entry for adult.