Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Love Is The Source Of Life

I have just watched "Children From Heaven"...A lot of lessons could be learned from it. It was so touched that I couldn't stop the rolling tears. The movie was about a poor family. The father is Kareem. Kareem and his wife raised up three children. The first child is Ali who is nine and goes to school in the afternoon. The second is his sister, Zahra studies in the same school but in the morning session. One day Ali went to the town to get his sister's shoes repaired and bought bread and potatoes for his family. While he was picking up some potatoes in the shop a recycled man came outside the shop to pick all the used things and that man took away Ali's plastic bag which contained his sister's shoes....So, the shoes had gone which marked the beginning of thier trials in life. Eventhough the two children have undergone all the trials and tribulations in thier life but they managed to survive as their hearts are always fill with genuine love. The love and affection of a brother to his sister. He has tried his possible best to replace the missing shoes. He struggled so hard for the third place in a cross country as the prize for the third is a pair sneakers...however he got first as he was truely a good runner...
This poem is dedicated to all the kind hearted people...
Love is being happy for the other person
when they are happy
being sad for the other person when they are sad
being together in good times
and being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength
Love is being honest with yourself at all times
being honest with the other person at all times
telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending
Love is the source of reality
Love is an understanding that is so complete that
you feel as if you are a part of the other person
accepting the other person just the way they are
and not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity
Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires
while sharing your experiences with the other person
the growth of one individual alongside of
and together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success
Love is the excitement of planning things together
the excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future
Love is the fury of the storm
the calm of the rainbow
Love is the source of passion
Love is giving and taking in a daily situation
being patient with each other's needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing
Love is knowing that the other person
will always be with you regardless of what happens
missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security
Love is the source of life...

By --Susan Polis Schutz

Friday, May 16, 2008

Here it comes...Sixteen May comes again with full bloom...Everybody in school and I strongly believe outside the school as well is so happy. As in school they are so happy as there would be no in-classroom lesson today...but the acquisition of knowledge is still occurs eventhough it is outside the classroom. There was a netball game between teachers and students this morning. There would be so many things to be learned in this game. They could have learned practically the values like respecting others, fairness, the virtue of being the winner are among the few could be mentioned here. However...anything that we do must be for the sake of God other wise we may feel so happy, we might have got a strong physical fitness but we are not blessed. Do only things that come with blessings, insyaAllah we will be happy for the rest of our life.
Today I have planted an apple-mango tree to mark the coming of 2008 teacher's day. It is a symbol of a humble faithful tree. Eventhough people throw stone to get the fruit but the tree is still bear and drop the ever sweet fruit in the world to them. Hopefully this humble good tree kind of attitude would inspire me as a teacher, God willing.
To all my students, thank you for all the sweet gifts but the most valuable gift that I expect from all of you is none other than a man who is always uphold the good faith, knowledgeable and know how to respect parents, teachers and others...virtue is its own rewards, thank you.
Happy Teacher's Day...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Salam...May Allah showers His blessings upon us all the time. Be always thankful and greatful to Allah and let's ask for the real protection from Him alone. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Here is the news copied from the HALUAN web site with the intention to help widely spread the news of fund relief collection of HALUAN Malaysia.

HALUAN Aktifkan Misi Kemanusiaan Myanmar Di kemaskini pada Sabtu, 10/05/2008.

Sebagaimana yang kita maklum, Myanmar telah dilanda Taufan Nargis pada 3hb Mei baru lalu. Tiupan taufan yang mencecah sehingga 150 batu sejam tersebut telah meranapkan daerah padat yang terkenal dengan penanaman padi, iaitu Delta Irrawandy. Lima daerah di Myanmar, iaitu Pegu, Irrawandy, Rangoon, Mon dan Karen telah diisytihar sebagai kawasan darurat. Media kerajaan junta Myanmar melaporkan kira-kira 23,000 orang terkorban dan 42,000 orang lagi hilang. Bagaimanapun, terdapat juga laporan-laporan yang tidak dapat disahkan membuat anggaran lebih 120,000 orang telah terkorban atau hilang.
Taufan tersebut memusnahkan 95 peratus dari bangunan dan rumah di 7 bandar di kawasan terbabit. PBB menganggarkan sehingga 1 juta orang kini kehilangan tempat tinggal. Wabak penyakit, terutamanya malaria dan cirit-birit, kini dikatakan bertambah buruk. Manakala kekurangan bekalan makanan merupakan perkara yang mendesak. Mengikut kenyataan U.N. Flash Appeal, lebih 30 peratus kanak-kanak di bawah lima tahun di kawasan terbabit mengalami masalah pemakanan yang kronik akibat kekurangan makanan, bekalan air dan sanitasi dan kawalan kesihatan.
Mengikut dakwaan penduduk-penduduk tua, taufan tersebut adalah yang paling teruk pernah mereka alami. Sementara media-media antarabangsa menyifatkan kejadian ini sebagai bencana alam terburuk sejak kejadian tsunami tahun 2004 lalu.

HALUAN menyahut tanggungjawab untuk membantu mangsa-mangsa Taufan Nargis ini dengan mengaktifkan urusetia Misi Kemanusiaan Myanmar. InsyaAllah relawan-relawan HALUAN, termasuk kumpulan medik daripada Kelab Kesihatan HALUAN (KKH) kini bersedia untuk dihantar ke Myanmar. Pihak urusetia sedang menunggu beberapa perkara berkaitan birokrasi sebelum dapat menghantar pasukan relawan.

HALUAN sekali lagi mengajak masyarakat prihatin untuk sama-sama membantu mangsa bencana ini. Berilah apa juga bentuk sumbangan, seperti pakaian, kewangan, makanan mahupun ubat-ubatan. Untuk beberapa pasukan awal, keutamaan akan diberi kepada bantuan perubatan dan bekalan susu bayi dan kanak-kanak. Justeru, tuan puan yang mempunyai sumber ubat-ubatan atau susu, sangat dialu-alukan untuk turut membantu.

Kaedah yang paling efektif untuk membantu Misi Kemanusiaan Myanmar ini adalah melalui sumbangan kewangan. Bantuan kewangan boleh disalurkan ke
Tabung Kemanusiaan HALUANBank Islam Malaysia BerhadAkaun No 14-023-01-002571-8
Sila hubungi pejabat HALUAN tempatan untuk maklumat lanjut.
Anda juga boleh berhubung terus dengan
Pengarah Operasi Misi Kemanusiaan Myanmar, Hj Mohd Azhar Idris di talian 012 601 2743 atau
En Fadzil di talian 013 484 1309.
Semoga setiap bantuan, keprihatinan dan doa anda akan dibalasi dengan ganjaran penuh kemuliaan dari Allah Yang Maha Pemurah.