Sunday, November 9, 2008

Being A Muslim...

I always contemplate my role being a muslim. I am so scared that I could not fulfil my role being a muslim. What answer should I supply in front of the Al Mighty Allah during the Day of Judgement.
As the Prophetic tradition goes, ‘A true Muslim is he who desires for others what he desires for himself” and so if we want others to respect us for who we are, then we must do the same.
Another inspired Hadith which states that ‘the best people are those who are useful to others’.

Propagating Islam is the most important role every muslim should handle but with extra care.
We can still use the standard method of Dawah (preaching) from the Minbar (a sort of raised couch) This practice can be traced back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he used to deliver his sermons leaning on the trunk of the tree that was part of the Masjid-e-Nabawi (Mosque of the Prophet).

But because of the fact that Islam is such a progressive, dynamic religion, this means that there are many other methods of spreading Islam. Just think of the way of life of Islam, which consists of the commands of Allah shown to us by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the product, and the Dawah of Islam as the advertising used to ‘market’ that product.

Islam is not about ‘narrow-mindedness’ and tunnel vision - no. Islam is about Unity and that means that we should never look down upon others or frown upon something new just because we do not understand it. As the saying goes, what we do not understand, we fear.
Therefore, it is conduct unbefitting of a Muslim to belittle the efforts of any other Muslim who is trying to propagate Islam.
As long as it does not fall into the category of Bid’ah (Innovation) and is in line with the practices of the great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then we should all make Dua (supplication) that Allah accepts the effort and makes it a means of spreading Hidayah (guidance) throughout the four corners of the world.

Let’s propagate! And Allah knows best. (Taken from Hidayah Blog)