The Islamic calendar marked the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his sahabah (rh) from the Holy Land of Mekah to Madinah which is later called the city of light as its starting point to identify the annual calculation of time. It happened in the last 1430 years ago. There will be no more physical migration to be considered accept the hijrah of prophet and sahabah. However there are other kind of migration which is of the same importance. Some ulama' categorize it into two. One is the hijrah of mind (aql); a migration from any evil doings to good deeds, from negative to a more positive mind and so on, and another hijrah is the hijrah of heart (qalb); to purify our heart or a hijrah from a low quality of iman to a higher one and so on. We really need to achieve the status of qalbusaleem.
The recommended way to welcome the newly coming hijri is that muslims are to be grateful to Allah for all His countless bounties bestowed upon us, then we need to repentance for all the sins we have committed previously to make us closer to Allah from time to time by being sacred and finally we need to seek help and guidance from Allah to keep us in steadfastness in struggling for the mardhotillah (pleasure of Allah).
Wish all the readers prosperity in iman during this coming new year. Ameen.