Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
I taught my students that kindergarten rhyme. I noticed that only two persons out of 34 students know the rhyme. I used to memorize the rhyme when I was in the primary school. By memorizing it students could enhance their speaking skill. We also could learn grammar like present and past tense. Besides, students will enjoy the rhyme if they sing along with their friends. Last week I asked my students to stand in circle of 200 meters circumference, I told the first students the rhyme, luckily the first students knows the rhyme and she past the wordings verbally to her friends stood next to her. The trouble came when the second person didn't know the rhyme at all and the final students got only mixed up two lines as written below:
Jack and Joe go up the hill
Jack and Joe come down to the ground...
At the end of the lesson I told my students that they have learned 3 things today:
Lesson learnt number 1- They have practiced their listening skill
Lesson learnt number 2 - They have practiced their speaking skill
Lesson learnt number 3 - They have practiced communication skill but there was a breakdown
in communication and students need to be careful as what they heard
might not be a true story.