Orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram (Ar Ra'd:28)
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Islamic calendar marked the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his sahabah (rh) from the Holy Land of Mekah to Madinah which is later called the city of light as its starting point to identify the annual calculation of time. It happened in the last 1430 years ago. There will be no more physical migration to be considered accept the hijrah of prophet and sahabah. However there are other kind of migration which is of the same importance. Some ulama' categorize it into two. One is the hijrah of mind (aql); a migration from any evil doings to good deeds, from negative to a more positive mind and so on, and another hijrah is the hijrah of heart (qalb); to purify our heart or a hijrah from a low quality of iman to a higher one and so on. We really need to achieve the status of qalbusaleem.
The recommended way to welcome the newly coming hijri is that muslims are to be grateful to Allah for all His countless bounties bestowed upon us, then we need to repentance for all the sins we have committed previously to make us closer to Allah from time to time by being sacred and finally we need to seek help and guidance from Allah to keep us in steadfastness in struggling for the mardhotillah (pleasure of Allah).
Wish all the readers prosperity in iman during this coming new year. Ameen.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Social Visit...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakkal...tangga kejayaan iman
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bingkisan dari kampung...Erti sebuah pengorbanan
Post ini ditulis semasa aku berada di kampung tercinta, Kampung Durian Sebatang)
Peraturan dan perjalanan alam ini telah ditetapkan oleh Allah mengikut fitrahNya. Apabila kita merujuk kepada bulan zulhijjah, ia merupakan urutan ke-12 dalam turutan bulan-bulan Islam. Di dalamnya pada hari kesepuluh ditetapkan sebagai hari perayaan kedua bagi umat Islam selepas eidul fitri yang diraikan dalam bulan syawal. Setelah orang-orang yang beriman menyucikan roh dan jiwanya di dalam bulan Ramadhan dan kemenangannya disambut di dalam bulan syawal, mucullah pula bulan zulkaedah sebagai bulan persediaan untuk roh yang suci bersih tadi melakukan latihan fizikal. Ia bertujuan melengkapkan kekuatan jiwa dan roh tadi dengan kekuatan fizikal. Maka berangkatlah jiwa yang suci itu dengan perjalanan fizikal menuju tanah suci Mekah. Pelbagai persediaan harus dilakukan termasuk harta benda, anak pinak, saudara mara, kaum kerabat, sahabat handai, masa, perasaan dan segala bentuk macam persediaan bagi menyempurnakan perjalanan tersebut. Lalu di atas kemenangan melakukan persediaan dan melakukan perjalanan tersebut Allah sekali lagi menganugerahkan sebuah perayaan tanda kemenangan. Ianya dinamai sebagai hari raya qurban atau eidlu adha sebagai hadiah oleh Allah di atas segala pengorbanan yang telah dilakukan oleh seorang manusia kerana menjalankan perintah dan ketaatannya semata-mata hanya kepada Allah swt.
Di dalam perayaan ini, manusia disunatkan mengorbankan binatang yang telah ditetapkan seperti qibasy, unta, lembu, kerbau, kambing dan seumpamanya sebagai simbolik pengorbanan jiwa yang wajib dilakukan oleh seseorang manusia demi melahirkan ketaatannya terhadap Allah swt. Kerana sifat penyayang Allah, manusia hanya diperintahkan mengorbankan binatang ternakan bukan yang lebih besar daripada itu seperti mana nabi Allah Ibrahim diminta mengorbankan anaknya nabi Allah Ismail. Allah telah menguji ketaatan dua orang manusia yang dikasihi oleh Allah tersebut di atas kesanggupan mereka mengorbankan sesuatu yang di luar jangkauan akal dan fikiran manusia namun kerana ianya merupakan satu perintah dari Allah maka kedua-duanya tanpa ragu terus sahaja mentaati perintah dari Allah swt tersebut. SUBHANALLAH.
Maka apakah kita juga sanggup BERKORBAN demi menunaikan perintah Allah? Apakah kita sanggup mengorbankan harta kita bersedekah, berzakat di jalan Allah? Apakah kita sanggup mengorbankan sehelai selimut dan sebiji bantal demi untuk menunaikan solat subuh yang jauh lebih baik daripada tidur itu demi kerana Allah? Bagaimanakah kita seharusnya menghayati ibadah qurban ini di dalam kehidupan kita merupakan persoalan yang penting yang harus di jawab dengan penuh ketaatan.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
10 Zulhijjah 1429
Alhamdulillah sedapnya sup daging qurban. Sup ini mudah sahaja untuk di sediakan.
Baca Bismillah...dan potong besar-besar bentuk kiub. Seterusnya bersihkan daging qurban sebanyak yang diberikan kepada kita.
Gaulkan dengan tepung gandum dan asam gelugor untuk membuang lemak-lemak yang masih terlekat pada daging. Bilas semula dengan air beberapa kali sambil berselawat sebanyak mungkin.
Masukan daging ke dalam periuk, tambahkan air melebihi paras daging dan rebus sehingga empuk/lembut. Semasa merebus masukkan garam dan beberapa keping asam gelugor.
Sekiranya daging belum empuk dan air telahpun kering, tambahkan lagi air dan teruskan merebus.
Setelah empuk, masukkan sup bunjut, garam, gula dan bawang merah dan putih yang telah diblend ke dalam air rebusan dan teruskan merebus untuk beberapa ketika supaya rasa dari sup bunjut, garam, gula dan bawang tadi menjadi mesra dan enak untuk dimakan,
Friday, December 12, 2008
Memenuhi masa dengan berbakti kepada tanah...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Teruja dengan keindahan alam dari skyway...
Meninjau dari cermin skyway aku begitu teruja dengan keindahan alam ciptaan Allah. Hutan hujan tropika yang meliputi kawasan persekitaran Genting Highland menyejukkan pandangan mata. Lembut basahkanlah lidahmu memuji kebesaranNya...
Di musim percutian ini tentu sekali ramai
di antara ibu bapa yang membawa anak-anak pergi bercuti. Walau di mana sekalipun kita pergi, sebagai ibu bapa, kita harus ingat apakah tujuan utama percutian yang kita rancangkan itu. Kita semestinya mahukan percutian tersebut sesuatu yang menjadi ingatan yang abadi buat kita dan juga anak-anak. Oleh itu kita seharusnya memurnikan objektif percutian kita itu sebagai suatu ibadah. Apabila ianya dirancang dari sudut ibadah, tentu sekali langkah pertamanya kita memasang niat bahawa tujuan percutian kita itu kerana Allah. Rujuk semula apa yang terkandung di dalam doa bermusafir yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah. Latih anak-anak mengerjakan solat jamak dan qasar agar mereka tetap merasakan kepentingan solat itu walau di manapun mereka berada dan di samping itu dapat merasakan kelonggaran/hadiah yang diberikan oleh Allah semasa seseorang bermusafir. Ajak anak-anak sering berdoa kerana katakan kepada mereka bahawa doa orang yang bermusafir itu sangat dimaqbulkan oleh Allah. Ajarkan juga mereka menghayati keindahan alam semulajadi ciptaan Allah, agar supaya mereka akan sentiasa dapat merealisasikan keindahan, kecantikan dan kebersihan di dalam kehidupan mereka. Pendidikan melalui penghayatan akan menjadi lebih berkesan. Dalam keadaan bergembira, anak-anak lebih mudah menerima pendidikan. Ajarkan sebanyak mungkin kepada mereka menerusi percutian yang kita rancangkan itu. Selamat Bercuti...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mengingat Nama dengan Kaedah DG48
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencari satu cara mudah bagaimana seorang guru boleh mengingat nama-nama pelajar dengan cepat. Ramai guru mempunyai masalah yang besar untuk mengingat nama-nama pelajar dalam masa yang singkat. Apabila seorang guru itu sukar untuk mengingat nama pelajar-pelajarnya maka sukar bagi mereka untuk mewujudkan serta membina hubungan yang baik dan lancar dengan pelajar-pelajar mereka. Secara tidak langsung kegagalan membina hubungan baik ini boleh menjejaskan pencapaian akademik pelajar. Malalui kajian yang telah dijalankan didapati guru berasa lebih yakin, seronok dan selesa sekiranya mereka dapat mengingat nama-nama pelajar di dalam kelas mereka kerana ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kualiti proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Seterusnya perhubungan yang baik di antara guru dan pelajar dapat menambahkan motivasi kepada para pelajar untuk belajar dan memahami isi pelajaran. Hasil temu bual dengan guru-guru yang terlibat, mereka mendapati kaedah DG48 ini sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan guru-guru tersebut dapat mengingat nama-nama pelajar dalam masa yang singkat dan ada pula guru yang dapat mengingat kesemua nama-nama pelajar mereka di dalam masa dua hari sahaja berbanding satu hingga tiga bulan sebelum ini.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Ibrah Fi Makah Al Mukaramah
Kini musim haji (1429H) tiba lagi, sudah dua musim berlalu aku masih belum menulis mengenai pengalaman aku ke sana... moga kali ini Allah bagi aku kekuatan untuk mencoretkan serba sedikit buat iktibar, pengajaran dan panduan dari pengalaman tersebut terutamanya buat diriku sendiri dan juga para pembaca blog sentuhan rasa hati ini semuanya. InsyaAllah perkara yang paling penting yang harus kita tanamkan ialah niat kita untuk ke sana seterusnya diikuti dengan usaha kita...insyaAllah apabila kedua-dua perkara ini berjalan seiring segalanya yang sukar akan dipermudahkan, segala yang jauh akan diperdekatkan, yang sedikit akan diperbanyakkan dan segala yang pada awalnya tidak kita sangka akan menjadi nyata semuanya...SUBHANALLAH. Dekatkanlah diri kita kepadaNya katakan keinginan dan hasrat kita...insyaAllah kita akan dijemput menjadi tetamuNya, tetamu yang Maha Agung. Perjalanan ke sana bukan sekadar perjalanan fizikal tetapi ianya disertai dengan jiwa. Kedua-duanya perlu dihidupkan sekali barulah terasa nikmat berpergian, barulah redha diperjalanan...tidak pernah terasa nikmat bermusafir selain bermusafir untuk menjadi tetamu Allah. TAHUN 1427H merupakan tahun yang menjadi kenangan yang cukup indah buat diriku kerana aku telah diizinkanNya menjadi tetamuNya. Dalam usia 40 tahun (berpandukan kalendar masehi) aku bertolak dari Malaysia dan aku menyambut kelahiranku yang ke-41 semasa aku berada di bumi Mina...mengingatkan aku bertapa banyak telah aku nikmati rezeki kurniaan dariNya...dan bertapa banyak pula dosa-dosa yang telah aku lakukan, semoga Allah mengampunkan segala dosa-dosaku dan terimalah aku dari kalangan hambaMu yang bertaubat, kurniakan aku haji yang mabrur...begitulah harapan bagi semua orang yang pergi menunaikan rukun yang ke-lima ini......Cukup sekadar pembuka bicara, dilain ketika bersambung lagi.
Lupakan Dua Perkara dan Ingat Dua Perkara...Pesanan Luqman Al-hakim
Luqman Al-Hakim pernah berpesan kepada anaknya bahawa kita perlu melupakan dua perkara tetapi perlu mengingat dua perkara...apakah yang dimaksudkan oleh Luqman Al-Hakim itu...
Dua perkara yang perlu dilupakan ialah:
1-Kebaikan yang pernah kita lakukan terhadap orang lain
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Being A Muslim...
But because of the fact that Islam is such a progressive, dynamic religion, this means that there are many other methods of spreading Islam. Just think of the way of life of Islam, which consists of the commands of Allah shown to us by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the product, and the Dawah of Islam as the advertising used to ‘market’ that product.
Islam is not about ‘narrow-mindedness’ and tunnel vision - no. Islam is about Unity and that means that we should never look down upon others or frown upon something new just because we do not understand it. As the saying goes, what we do not understand, we fear.
Therefore, it is conduct unbefitting of a Muslim to belittle the efforts of any other Muslim who is trying to propagate Islam.
Let’s propagate! And Allah knows best. (Taken from Hidayah Blog)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Kawan-kawan janganlah ajak aku ke jalan "belok-belok"
Rupanya semalam menuntut ilmu hari ini aku diuji secara praktikalnya...tut...tut...mesej dari handphone aku berbunyi seawal pagi..."kak...tolong punch untuk saya, saya lambatlah hari ini..." Aku ada beberapa orang kawan yang suka ajak aku jalan belok-belok...sedangkan aku sendiri bila terpaksa terlambat aku akan biarkan sahaja punch card aku dicatat dengan dakwat merah...kawan-kawan dengarlah rintihanku...janganlah ajak aku ke jalan belok-belok...lihatlah kepada keberkatan rezeki yang akan kita terima itu, biarlah punch card kita terpalit warna merah janganlah kita memalitkan warna hitam di dalam hati kita...aku sayang pada kalian semua dan sayang aku tulus dan ikhlas...bukan kasih sayang yang superficial yang belok-belok...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Kaitan Highway Phobia dan Zikrullah...
Otak hanyalah aktiviti-aktiviti bio-elektrik yang melibatkan sekumpulan saraf yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu bagi membolehkan ia berfungsi dengan sempurna. Setiap hari 14 juta saraf yang membentuk otak ini berinteraksi dengan 16 juta saraf tubuh yang lain. Semua aktiviti yang kita lakukan dan kefahaman atau ilmu yang kita peroleh adalah natijah daripada aliran interaksi bio-elektrik yang tidak terbatas.
Oleh itu, apabila seorang itu berzikir dengan mengulangi kalimat-kalimat Allah, seperti Subhanallah, beberapa kawasan otak yang terlibat menjadi aktif. Ini menyebabkan berlakunya satu aliran bio-elektrik di kawasan-kawasan saraf otak tersebut. Apabila zikir disebut berulang-ulang kali, aktiviti saraf ini menjadi bertambah aktif dan turut menambah tenaga bio-elektrik. Lama-kelamaan kumpulan saraf yang sangat aktif ini mempengaruhi kumpulan saraf yang lain untuk turut sama aktif. Dengan itu, otak menjadi aktif secara keseluruhan.Otak mula memahami perkara baru, melihat dari sudut perspektif berbeza dan semakin kreatif dan kritis, sedang sebelum berzikir otak tidak begini. Otak yang segar dan cergas secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi hati untuk melakukan kebaikan dan menerima kebenaran.
Hasil kajian makmal yang dilakukan terhadap subjek ini dimuatkan dalam majalah Scientific American, keluaran Disember 1993. satu kajian yang dilakukan di Universiti Washington dan ujian ini dilakukan melalui ujian imbasan PET yang mengukur kadar aktiviti otak manusia secara tidak sedar.Dalam kajian ini, sukarelawan diberikan satu senarai perkataan benda. Mereka dikehendaki membaca setiap perkataan tersebut satu persatu dan mengaitkan perkataan-perkataan dengan kata kerja yang berkaitan. Apabila sukarelawan melakukan tugas mereka, beberapa bahagian berbeza otak mempamerkan peningkatan aktiviti saraf, termasuk di bahagian depan otak dan korteks.
Menariknya, apabila sukarelawan ini mengulangi senarai perkataan yang sama berulang-ulang kali, aktiviti saraf otak merebak pada kawasan lain dan mengaktifkan kawasan saraf lain. Apabila senarai perkataan baru diberikan kepada mereka, aktiviti saraf kembali meningkat di kawasan pertama. Ini sekali gus membuktikan secara saintifik bahawa perkataan yang diulang-ulang seperti perbuatan berzikir, terbukti meningkatkan kecergasan otak dan menambah kemampuannya.
Oleh itu, saudara-saudara ku seIslam, ketika saintis Barat baru menemui mukjizat ini, kita umat terpilih ini telah lama mengamalkannya dan menerima manfaatnya. Malang bagi mereka yang masih memandang enteng kepentingan berzikir dan mengabaikannya.
Taubat Seorang Hamba...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Life is a Test...
PNSJ ke Melaka...
Cuti panjang perayaan Deepavali memberikan aku kesempatan berkunjung ke Melaka. Menginap di Port Dickson dan ke Melaka melalui Kuala Linggi (Non Highway Route) merupakan pengalaman baru bagi aku. Selama ini aku hanya melalui highway exit Air Keroh jika hendak ke Melaka. Seronok menikmati keindahan rumah-rumah tradisional Negeri Sembilan dan juga Melaka yang tidak dapat di temui di negeri-negeri lain. Perbezaan yang ketara ialah, masyarakat Melayu Melaka gemar menghias rumah mereka dengan bunga-bungaan yang berwarna-warni di halaman mereka dan sepekara lagi ialah cat rumah mereka sungguh meriah sekali... (so colourful like rainbow). Rasanya semua rumah wajib menggunakan lebih dari satu warna...Kebanyakan pemilik rumah masih mengekalkan rumah yang asal. Sekiranya mereka membesarkan rumah dengan konkrit, rumah yang asal tetap dikekalkan. Salah satu cara mereka mengekalkan ciri-ciri budaya mereka.
Terapi dari Kata-kata yang Baik...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Real Meaning of Friendship......
Persahabatan adalah satu anugerah dan ia haruslah dihargai. Allah yang pertemukan kita dengan sahabat kita dan Allah yang letak perasaan kasih dan sayang kita pada seorang yang bernama sahabat. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk sebuah persahabatan itu mengeluarkan bunga-bungaan yang indah dan bau bauan yang harum, kita perlu berusaha memupuknya agar sentiasa segar dan mekar.
It's not easy becoming a friend or making one because a friend is not a state of mind. It's real and it's in your face. A friend is someone who makes your life worth its while a little more than yesterday. While everybody has their own definitions of a "friend", the long and short of it is we all need friends to make our lives better.
HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY...In friendship "honesty" is the key word. One should always be honest to his or her friends. Don't overlook their faults, even if you have none for you are his friend! Praise them honestly and openly. Say you're sorry, when you hurt your friend. Don't let them assume it.
GIVE MORE THAN YOU TAKE...Be there when they need you or you may wind up alone. Love them unconditionally, that is the only condition. Make them feel special, because aren't we all special? Never forget them, who wants to feel forgotten.
BE SUPPORTIVE... Cheer them on, we all need encouragement now and then. Encourage their dreams and aspiration, Life seems almost meaningless without them. Your words count, use them wisely. Use good judgement. Wish them luck, hopefully good examine your motives before you "help" out. Just be there when they need you. Really listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm.
FORGIVENESS...Forgive them for, "To Err is Human", and you just may end up making the same mistakes in course of time..
KEEP THE FAITH...Have faith in them. For, there is no love without trust. Zip your lips when they confide in you.
EXPRESS YOURSELF CLEARLY...Know when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one? Offer to help, and know when. " No thanks" is just politeness. Quietly disagree, noisy No's make enemies Verbalise your feelings.
HAVE FUN...Get together often, misery loves company, so does glee. Talk frequently, communication is important. Enjoying your friendship is the order of the day. So it's not what we call a friendship if you don't feel right. Always remember a friendship is worth it when you are able to enjoy the amazing relationship with no holds barred. It's a mutual bond for life that you can't give up.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Engagement in Islam
Here are some facts about engagement and marriage in Islam taken from http://www.readingislam.com as a guideline.
How Islam Views Marriage
Marriage is an act of worship and obedience to Allah, Who commands the husband and wife to respect and love each other, to create a peaceful home, and to help each other in rearing good Muslim children to make a positive difference to the world.
It is also a lawful response to the basic instincts of intimacy within a detailed system of rights and duties. Muslims are instructed on how to channel these desires to live a tranquil, settled life. The Qur'an says what gives the meaning of:
*{And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Undoubtedly in these are signs for those who reflect.}* (Ar-Rum 30:21)
Many verses of the Qur'an discuss marriage, family relations, and domestic etiquette, so I encourage you to do some readings in preparation for your new life.
Engagement: A Promise of Marriage
It is important to clarify that engagement in Islam is just a promise of marriage. It does not entitle fiancés to any special rights over one another, other than publicly declaring serious interest in a life-long commitment to each other under Allah's law.
So Muslim fiancés should be conscious of that fact while dealing with each other during the engagement period, the same rules of decent conduct apply that they would normally follow while dealing with a member of the opposite sex who is a non-mahram. That is, your fiancé is not your lawful husband yet. That could change only after they have been formally declared husband and wife.
So while an engaged couple may freely discuss their values and ethics, plan for their future life together, and choose and prepare a home to live in after they are married, they should also be careful to avoid privacy together and the type of intimacy that is only allowed between married couples in Islam.
After all, an engagement is just a declaration of intention to get married, and only if and when both sides feel absolutely certain of that decision. It should be clear that an engagement — like any preliminary contract or letter of understanding — can be revoked at any point before the commitment of marriage, without any formal consequences to either side.
Muslims believe that they will never get anything that Allah had not destined for them; nor will they ever lose anything that was meant to be theirs. Therefore, if a man and woman were destined by Allah for each other, there will be plenty of time to express their feelings freely once they are married. If not, then obviously there is no need to create bitter memories and any deeds you would not want to face Allah with.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Highway Phobia
Sedikit nota berkenaan dengan phobia highway yang dipetik dari internet.
Phobia is something a person fears to the point that they feel they have to change how they behave. One type of phobia, called specific phobia, can involve fear of an object (like an elevator) or a situation (like public speaking) that poses little or no danger. Phobias can also involve fear of being embarrassed, looked at, or made fun of in social or work situations. These are called social phobias. With both of these phobias, the fear is extreme and hard to control. Without treatment, phobias can last many years and affect a person's career, relationships, and daily life activities. Both specific and social phobias are types of anxiety disorders.
It's important to know that when a person has a specific or social phobia, it's not her or his fault. And, it's not something a person can just "snap out of." No one knows for sure what causes phobias.
What are specific phobias and what are the symptoms?
Specific phobias are common - they strike 1 out of every 10 Americans. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from this illness. Starting in the teenage and adult years, they may run in families. They begin suddenly and tend to last longer than childhood phobias (like being afraid of the dark).
When a person has a specific phobia, they have an intense fear of something that poses little or no real danger. Because there is no or little danger, a person's fear is not based on reality (called irrational fear). Some of the more common specific phobias involve fear of closed-in places, heights, escalators, elevators, tunnels, highway driving, bridges, water, flying, dogs, and injuries involving blood. And, a specific phobia often makes no sense. For instance, you may be able to jump out of airplanes with ease but not be able to go above the 4th floor of an office building. Most people with these phobias know that they don't make sense. But, facing their fear, or even thinking about it, can bring on a panic attack or severe anxiety.
Specific phobias can be treated, helping a person have a full and healthy life. But, when the object of the fear is easy to avoid, a person may decide to do so rather than get treatment. Not getting treatment, though, can cause a person to make decisions that will affect their personal life and limit their career. Go to the question on how are phobias treated for more information.
What are social phobias and what are the symptoms?
Social phobia involves feeling very self-conscious in everyday social situations. It is more than just being shy or nervous, and can cause extreme anxiety. A person can feel afraid and uncomfortable when around other people. It may be hard to be at work or school, when you have to interact with others. While many people with these phobias know that their fear may be extreme, they are unable to control it. They often worry for days or weeks in advance of a situation they are dreading. This illness most often starts in childhood or the teenage years, and may run in families. Women are just as likely as men to develop social phobia. Other anxiety disorders or depression often go hand-in-hand with this phobia. Some people also turn to alcohol or drugs for relief.
Symptoms include:
Intense fear that you will do or say something and embarrass yourself in front of other people.
Always being afraid of making a mistake and being watched and judged by other people.
Avoiding doing things you want to or speaking to people because you fear being embarrassed.
Worrying for days or weeks before you have to meet new people.
Blushing, sweating a lot, trembling, nausea, or feeling like you have to throw up before and during an event where you are with new people.
Staying away from social situations such as school events and making speeches.
Drinking alcohol to make your fears go away.
People who have social phobias most often know that their fears don't make sense. But, even if they manage to face what they fear, they can still feel anxious and uncomfortable. Social phobias can be treated, helping a person have a full and healthy life. Not getting treatment can cause a person to make decisions that will affect their personal life. Go to the question on how are phobias treated for more information.
What should I do if I think I have a phobia?
If you think you may have symptoms of a specific or social phobia, a visit to your doctor is the best place to start. Your doctor will perform a careful exam to figure out whether your symptoms are really due to this illness, or if you have another anxiety disorder or problem.
Sometimes a person can feel awkward talking to a health care provider about phobias. They may blame themselves, think their condition is not serious, or feel embarrassed. Keep in mind that this illness can be treated. Be aware that all anxiety disorders are not treated the same.
The next step you doctor may suggest is a visit with a mental health professional. This includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors. It is best to look for a professional who has special training in cognitive-behavioral and/or behavioral therapy. Try to find someone who is open to the use of medications, should they be needed. And if they are not a medical doctor, be sure they work with one so medication can be prescribed. Keep in mind that when you start taking medicine, it may not start working right away. You need to give your body a few weeks to get used to the medicine. Then, you and your doctor can decide if it's working.
It's very important that you feel comfortable with your treatment. If this is not the case, seek help elsewhere. If you've been taking medication, don't stop it all of a sudden. These drugs need to be tapered off slowly, under the care of your doctor. Talk with your doctor about how to stop the medication you're taking.
How are phobias treated?
Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder, the most common of all the mental disorders. Many people misunderstand these disorders and think people should be able to overcome the symptoms by sheer willpower. But, the symptoms can't be willed or wished away. There are treatments, developed through research, that work well for these disorders.
Anxiety disorders are treated in two ways - with medication and with certain types of psychotherapy (sometimes called "talk therapy"). Sometimes only one treatment is used or both treatments are combined. If you have an anxiety disorder, talk with your doctor about what will work best for you. If you do choose psychotherapy, make sure the therapist is able to provide you with medication, if needed.
A number of drugs used for treating depression, called antidepressants, have been found to help with anxiety disorders as well. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are used, along with the newer selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Other medicines include anti-anxiety drugs called benzodiazepines and beta-blockers.
Treatment with psychotherapy includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and behavioral therapy. In CBT, the goal is to change how a person thinks about, and then reacts to, a situation that makes them anxious or fearful. In behavioral therapy, the focus is on changing how a person reacts to a situation. CBT or behavioral therapy most often lasts for 12 weeks. It can be group or individual therapy. With phobias, a type of CBT called desensitization or exposure therapy is sometimes used. This involves slowly exposing the person to what frightens them until the fear begins to fade. Relaxation and breathing exercises can also help reduce anxiety symptoms. Some studies have shown that the benefits of CBT or behavioral therapy last longer than do those of medications for people with phobias.
Keep in mind that it can be a challenge to find the right treatment for an anxiety disorder. But, if one treatment doesn't work, the odds are good that another one will. Your doctor and therapist will work together to help you find the best approach. New treatments are being developed through ongoing research. So, don't give up hope. If you have recovered from an anxiety disorder and it comes back at a later date, don't think that you've failed. You can be treated again. And, the skills you learned dealing with the disorder the first time can help you in coping with it again.
What can I do to help myself if I have a phobia?
Many people find it helps to join a support group because they can share their problems and successes with others who are going through the same thing. While it doesn't take the place of mental health care, talking with trusted friends or a member of your faith community can also be very helpful. Family members can play an important role in a person's treatment by offering support. Learning how to manage stress will help you to stay calm and focused. Research suggests that aerobic exercise (like jogging, bicycling and swimming) may be of value as well. Other studies have found that caffeine, illegal drugs, and some over-the-counter cold medicines can worsen the symptoms of these disorders. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medicines.
What is the latest research on anxiety disorders?
The National Institute of Mental Health supports research into the causes, prevention, and treatment of anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses. Studies are ongoing for how family background (genetics) and life experience puts a person at risk for these disorders. New drugs are being tested in clinical trials, as well as therapy approaches. For information on clinical trials, go to the National Library of Medicine's clinical trials database at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Berita Syurga dan Neraka...(sambungan)
Berita Syurga dan Neraka (1)
Gambar laman yang terdapat di UiTM, Seksyen 17, Shah Alam....Berita paling menggembirakan bagi orang beriman ialah tentang syurga. Sebaliknya berita yang paling menakutkan dan ingin dijauhi ialah neraka. Bagi mereka yang tidak beriman dengan hari pembalasan di akhirat kegembiraan hidupnya hanya terletak pada kekayaan dan kuasa. Hal yang paling dibenci dan amat menggerunkannya ialah kematian. Abu Hurairah ra berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Setelah Allah swt menciptakan syurga dan neraka, Allah mengutus Jibril as ke syurga dengan berfirman: "Pergilah lihat syurga dan semua kelengkapannya yang di sediakan bagi orang-orang yang akan memasukinya." Jibril as pergi dengan melihat syurga dengan semua kelengkapannya lalu kembali kepada Allah swt dan berkata: "Demi kemuliaanMu, sesiapa sahaja yang mendengar tentang syurga akan masuk syurga." Kemudian Allah swt perintahkan akan syurga itu dilingkari dengan hal-hal yang dibenci oleh manusia. Lalu Jibril as diperintahkan melihatnya kembali. Setelah melihat akan segala yang melingkari syurga itu, Jibril as kembali kepada Allah swt dan berkata: "Demi kemuliaanMu, aku khuatir tidak seorangpun manusia yang dapat memasuki syurga itu."...Bersambung.
Muhammad Azam Zhariff
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dapatkah manusia menolak keindahan syurga sedangkan manusia tidak dapat menolak keindahan dunia...
Biar betul...betul-betul...
Alhamdulillah, Allah telah pilih kita duduk dalam islam. Itulah nikmat terbesar yang Allah telah kurniakan kepada kita. Nilai nikmat iman tidak ada bandingannya. Kita sudah berada di jalan yang betul maka aku mengajak diriku dan seluruh saudara seiman denganku supaya melakukan semua kerja islam ini betul-betul. Tidak ada gunanya jika kita berada di atas jalan yang betul tetapi tidak menghayatinya dengan betul-betul. Janganlah kita mengambil yang kita suka sahaja mengikut selera nafsu kita. Tidak wujud istilah main-main di atas jalan ini. Hatta apabila bermainpun kita perlu bermain betul-betul. Tidak timbul bermain main-main. Ada segolongan manusia tidak berada di atas jalan yang betul tetapi mereka melakukan sesuatu dengan betul-betul. Mereka berniaga betul-betul, penuh strategi, penuh daya usaha, menjaga pelanggan dengan betul-betul walaupun mereka tidak betul. Yang terbaik di sisi Allah ialah kita berada di jalan yang betul dan melakukannya betul-betul (bersungguh-sungguh) walaupun dihujung usaha gigih kita itu kita serahkan kepada Allah akan natijahnya. Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga Allah menetapkan kita sentiasa di atas jalan yang betul dan kita melaluinya dengan betul-betul, Ameen YaRabbal alameen.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ten Useless Matters
There are ten useless matters:
- Knowledge that is not acted on
- The deed that has neither sincerity nor is based on following the righteous examples of others
- Money that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter
- The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah, and of seeking closeness to Him
- A body that does not obey and serve Allah
- Loving Allah without following His orders or seeking His pleasure
- Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seizing opportunities to do good
- A mind that thinks about useless matters
- Serving those who do not bring you close to Allah, nor benefit you in your life
- Hoping and fearing whoever is under the authority of Allah and in His hand; while he cannot bring any benefit or harm to himself, nor death, nor life; nor can he resurrect himself.However the greater of these matters are wasting the heart and wasting time. Wasting the heart is done by preferring this worldly life over the Hereafter, and wasting time is done by having incessant hope. Destruction occurs by following one's desires and having incessant hope, while all goodness is found in following the right path and preparing oneself to meet Allah.How strange it is that when a servant of Allah has a [worldly] problem, he seeks help of Allah, but he never asks Allah to cure his heart before it dies of ignorance, neglect, fulfilling one's desires and being involved in innovations. Indeed, when the heart dies, he will never feel the significance or impact of his sins.
Petua Merancang Masa
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Open House With Open Heart...
The Hari Raya mood is still in the air. Open house is every where and every day. What type of food you wish to eat you just name it sure you get it...so tasty so delicious. Today there were three invitations for an open house since morning till night, from breakfast to dinner, Alhamdulillah be grateful to Allah for all the bountiful food.
By the way...in celebrating the eidulfitri we need to consider the concept of moderation. We should eat moderately even though all our favourite food is right in front of us. We should understand that in this month of syawal not only to consider the food to eat but we also need to consider the food for thought...something to think about seriously...especially in term of our health.
Open House has become a culture in our society lately. In organizing the open house, making an arrangement is very important. We need some good tips so that it will be a memorable and successful one and the most importantly it always be blessed by Allah then only it becomes an ibadah and not just a tradition:
Things to consider during the Pre-Open House:
- Identify the most suitable date and time
- The expected number of guests
- The type of food and drink to be served (delicious but healthy-halalan toyyibban)
- Allocation of "duit raya" for the kids as sodaqoh is a good source of fertilizer for our wealth.
During the Open House:
- Greet and welcome the guests. Shake hands if necessary (avoid illegal handshakes).
- Make sure the food, drink, plates, glasses, spoons, forks, chairs and etc. are all enough for all the guests.
- Make sure the guests feel comfortable being attended in your house.
- Behave and talk nicely to the guests and avoid touching any sensitive issues.
- If the guests are about to leave your home make sure you are ready with the "duit raya", apologize and thank them for coming.
Post-open House:
- Clean and clear up immediately
- If there is some leftover we must know how to dispose it without wasting it
- Do some reflections for an improvement
As a final remark, do an open house with the open heart...you will be blessed insyaAllah, Ameen