Thursday, August 21, 2008

Action Research...Memorizing Names Using Limer Techniques

One of my endless to do list is to complete the small research on "How to memorize students' names easily and quickly". Some teachers took almost one year to remember the name and recognize the face of their students. I'm also very poor in memorizing names. Today I remember my students' name but tomorrow I might easily forget them. One of the ways to build a good relationship between teacher and students is to remember their names. Students might feel they are being respected just by calling them by names. So, my study would be on identifying a better technique of how to remember students' names. There are various techniques could be adopted but the teacher still have to put some effort to familiarize them with the techniques. Two techniques were discussed in the previous entries.

1 comment:

Kata Hati Ku said...

It's true that to know someone is to know their names firs