Monday, August 25, 2008

Luncheon...Taman Warisan Pertanian

Hari ini Kak Yah belanja makan kat Taman Warisan Pertanian sangat walaupun aku tak larat nak habiskan ayamtu. Actually I was so excited to be treated...Thank you so much. Tapi kenapalah florist tu tak nak jual bunga tu...Kak Yah pulak kelakar sangat, dia kata taknak jadi kambing makan bunga dan satu lagi janganlah ambik gambar kera tengah makan buah are so funny...that's why I feel enjoy being with you...Thank you.


Taman Warisan Pertanian is located within the southern part of Presint 16 of the Putrajaya development. The park is designed to showcase Malaysia's commercial agricultural development through the centuries.
Facilities Provided:
Among the many attractions and facilities provided in the park are:

Visitor's Complex housing souvenir shops, gallery café, fruits stalls etc.
Rubber Processing Demonstration Area
Pepper and Coffee Processing Demostration Area
Additional Information
Opening Hours Open daily for orchards visit from 9.00 am - 7.00 pm Business hours : 7.30 am - 11.00 pm