After so many discussions about relief in the past fourth teacher's meeting, I think something can be done to reduce the problem. However, before any suggestion made let me clerify why relief should be done in school. If school could impose a system of class without teacher safely, we should not need any relief but the real situation in most schools, students could not leave without a teacher around. Therefore, to overcome the problem of school teachers that refuse to guard the class on behalf of their friends who cannot come to school for certain reasons, we shall engage parents who are free at home to come to school to help school to sit in and keep on eye their children. Through the collaboration of PTA (PIBG) and school management, school could request (parents who are willing to help) their particulars and their usual free timetable. Anytime the school management need their help they could be contacted through phone or e-mail or any medium of communication. I believe there are parents who are caring enough to help school.