Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Mother...You Are The Wings Of My Heart.

Tanggal 26 ogos 2008, genap 12 tahun ibu tercinta meninggalkan aku. Aku sentiasa berdoa buatmu ibu agar kau sentiasa di tempatkan bersama golongan orang-orang yang soleh dan rohmu senantiasa dicucuri rahmat dariNya. Kasih sayang serta pengorbananmu yang tidak dapat diungkapkan dengan kata-kata dan tidak dapat digambarkan dengan lukisan kekal abadi buat selama-lamanya di dalam hati sanubariku ini. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, rahmatilah ibuku...Ameen.

Al Fatehah...


"Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan pada diri mereka sendiri, hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa Al-Quran itu adalah benar. Tiadakah cukup bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?"
[Quran Surah Al- Fushshilat]

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Festive Season On Its Way...Marhaban Ya Ramadhan...Ramadhan Kareem!

Welcome should be the festive month of ibadah and everyone Muslim should take it to the fullest. We are very much ready in advance from top to toe to celebrate the eidul fitri but we must be aware that eidul fitri should be celebrated due to the quality act of fasting. It is shameful to go out to celebrate the victory if we were not the one who fought for it. In welcoming the Ramadhan, all aspects of life inclusive of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual must be ready. And not to forget the awaiting rewards for the quality fasting is very very highly fabulous. The optional will be upgraded to compulsory and compulsory will be upgraded to, be ready for it...Quality makes perfect...Ramadhan Kareem!

Solidarity Is the Road To Success

The 51st National Day is around the corner. Fiftyone is more than the age of muturity. Malaysia as the melting pot should taking the advantage to move forward standing up in line with other nations in this world. People of Malaysia should always regain concious that walking alone is no better than moving in solidarity...Solidarity Is The Road To Success. Happy Merdeka Day To All Malaysian...We should feel proud to be Malaysian.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kekuatan Sedekah

Diceritakan dalam sebuah hadist yang diriwayatkan oleh Turmudzi dan Ahmad, seperti berikut : Tatkala Allah Ta'ala menciptakan bumi, maka bumipun bergetar. Lalu Allah menciptakan gunung dengan kekuatan yang telah diberikan kepadanya, ternyata bumipun terdiam.

Para malaikat kehairanan akan penciptaan gunung tersebut. Kemudian mereka bertanya "Ya Rabbi, adakah sesuatu dalam penciptaan-Mu yang lebih kuat daripada gunung ?"

Allah menjawab, " Ada , iaitu besi" (kita mafhum bahawa gunung batupun boleh menjadi rata ketika dikorek/bore dan diratakan oleh buldozer atau sejenisnya yang dibuat dari besi),
Para malaikat bertanya lagi "Ya Rabbi, adakah sesuatu dalam penciptaan-Mu yang lebih kuat daripada besi ?" Allah yang Maha Suci menjawab, " Ada , iaitu api" (besi walau sekeras manapun boleh menjadi cair dan hancur setelah dibakar api),

Para malaikat kembali bertanya "Ya Rabbi, adakah sesuatu dalam penciptaan-Mu yang lebih kuat daripada api ?" Allah yang Maha Agung menjawab, " Ada , iaitu air" (api membara sedahsyat apapun niscaya akan padam jika disiram air),
Para malaikatpun bertanya kembali "Ya Rabbi, adakah sesuatu dalam penciptaan-Mu yang lebih kuat daripada air ?" Allah yang Maha Tinggi dan Maha Sempurna menjawab, " Ada , iaitu angin" (air disamudera yang luas akan serta merta terangkat, bergulung-gulung dan menjelma menjadi gelombang raksasa yang dahsyat, tiada lain kerana kekuatan angin. Angin ternyata memiliki kekuatan yang teramat dahsyat),

Akhirnya para malaikatpun bertanya lagi "Ya Allah, adakah sesuatu dalam penciptaan-Mu yang lebih dahsyat dari itu semua ?"
Allah yang Maha Gagah dan Maha Dahsyat kehebatannya menjawab, " Ada , iaitu amal anak Adam yang mengeluarkan sedekah dengan tangan kanannya sementara tangan kirinya tidak mengetahuinya".

Ertinya, yang paling hebat, paling kuat dan paling dahsyat sebenarnya adalah orang yang bersedekah tetapi tetap mampu menguasai dirinya, sehingga sedekah yang dilakukannya bersih, tulus dan ikhlas tanpa ada unsur menunjuk-nunjuk ataupun supaya diketahui orang lain.
Berkaitan dengan ikhlas ini, RasulAllah SAW mengingatkan dalam pidatonya ketika beliau sampai di Madinah pada waktu hijrah dari Makkah : "Wahai segenap manusia ! Sesungguhnya amal itu tergantung kepada niat, dan seseorang akan mendapatkan (pahala) sesuai dengan apa yang diniatkannya".

Oleh kerana itu hendaknya kita selalu mengiringi sedekah kita dengan niat yang ikhlas hanya kerana Allah semata, tanpa berasa ingin dipuji, dianggap dermawan, dihormati, dll yang dapat menjadikan sedekah kita menjadi sia-sia.

Quality Makes Perfect (6): Self Quality

During the formal Monday morning assembly today I was a little bit stunted when the Beloved Madam Principal quoted my previous advice to my students regarding Self Quality. It is actually a very simple concept but I didn't notice that it has drawn her attention to elaborate further on that topic, I'm very grateful to God that brings the heart to heart...

Self quality concept is the standard we should impose to ourselves. For example, in preparation for the final examination, student (A) has imposed a target to score 9 A's while student (B) has only targeted 5 A's. It is just how you position yourself in life but it depends on our very own perspective be it from an Islamic perspective if we are muslim. It is worth to secure certain standard because:
  1. It could be guidelines for us to move ahead
  2. It could focus ourselves to achieve that standard
  3. It could prohibit us from doing evil

So, for students who have no self quality, who do not putting certain standard in their lives would have no guidelines to follow, could not focus their mind towards certain standard and they could be easily drawn near to do evil activities.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Luncheon...Taman Warisan Pertanian

Hari ini Kak Yah belanja makan kat Taman Warisan Pertanian sangat walaupun aku tak larat nak habiskan ayamtu. Actually I was so excited to be treated...Thank you so much. Tapi kenapalah florist tu tak nak jual bunga tu...Kak Yah pulak kelakar sangat, dia kata taknak jadi kambing makan bunga dan satu lagi janganlah ambik gambar kera tengah makan buah are so funny...that's why I feel enjoy being with you...Thank you.


Taman Warisan Pertanian is located within the southern part of Presint 16 of the Putrajaya development. The park is designed to showcase Malaysia's commercial agricultural development through the centuries.
Facilities Provided:
Among the many attractions and facilities provided in the park are:

Visitor's Complex housing souvenir shops, gallery café, fruits stalls etc.
Rubber Processing Demonstration Area
Pepper and Coffee Processing Demostration Area
Additional Information
Opening Hours Open daily for orchards visit from 9.00 am - 7.00 pm Business hours : 7.30 am - 11.00 pm


Finally, on the 23rd August 2008 the very last day of the exhibition, I managed to witness the Malaysian Book of Record's largest exhibiton in Malaysia, MAHA2008. Provided with very large parking area there was of no problem to park my car but to reach to the parking area was a bit time consuming. Trams were also provided to ensure the smooth running trafic to the expo location. To me the expo was really tremendous and promoting the concept of Argiculture Is Business is the bonus point to this expo. I wish greenery will be the best for Malaysia. Let's be green fingers...

  • Following the success of MAHA 2006, Malaysia is once again set to host the region's largest exhibition showcasing the latest Technologies and Innovations in the Agriculture, Agro-Based, Horticulture and Agrotourism Industry - Malaysia, Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Exhibition 2008 (MAHA 2008).
  • Hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry and organised by Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA), MAHA 2008 is expected to be the biggest event of the year serving the Agro-Based Industry.
  • Being awarded by The Malaysian Book of Records as the Largest Exhibition in Malaysia, MAHA 2008 is undoubtedly the largest industry gathering in the South East Asia region. MAHA 2008 is regarded as a 'must attend' for the industry to be updated with the latest innovations and solutions and to do business. Over 950 local and international exhibitors are expected to showcase their latest solutions to the industry.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Action Research...Memorizing Names Using Limer Techniques

One of my endless to do list is to complete the small research on "How to memorize students' names easily and quickly". Some teachers took almost one year to remember the name and recognize the face of their students. I'm also very poor in memorizing names. Today I remember my students' name but tomorrow I might easily forget them. One of the ways to build a good relationship between teacher and students is to remember their names. Students might feel they are being respected just by calling them by names. So, my study would be on identifying a better technique of how to remember students' names. There are various techniques could be adopted but the teacher still have to put some effort to familiarize them with the techniques. Two techniques were discussed in the previous entries.

Mangingat Nama Menggunakan Kaedah (7)

The following techniques can help you remember the names of everyone you meet.

1. Be interested: Many of us don't even catch the other person's name when they're being introduced; we're too focused on ourselves. So the first step to remembering a name is to pay attention as you are introduced.

2. Verify it: Unless the person has introduced himself to you, verify what he or she wishes to be called. At a conference or seminar, for example, the name tag may have been typed incorrectly or it may be a more formal or informal version of the name they like to go by.Or someone else may have introduced you who doesn't know the person well. Asking what they prefer (e.g. "Cha introduced you as Basri, is that what you prefer to be called?") will not only cement the name in your mind, but ensure you are using the name that pleases them.
3. Picture it written on their forehead: Franklin Roosevelt continually amazed his staff by remembering the names of nearly everyone he met. His secret? He used to imagine seeing the name written across the person's forehead. This is a particularly powerful technique if you visualize the name written in your favorite color of Magic Marker.
4. Imagine writing the name: To take step three further, neural linguistic programming experts suggest getting a feel for what it would be like to write the name by moving your finger in micro-muscle movements as you are seeing the name and saying it to yourself.
5. Use word association: Try to connect a person's name with a familiar image or famous person. For example, if a woman's name is Rozana, picture her as Rozana in the blue sky as portrayed in the song . If a man's name is Azrul, imagine him as the "Terminator" or a goal keeper.
6. Use it frequently: Try to use the name three or four times during your conversation. Use it when you first meet, when you ask a question and in your departure, e.g., "Daniel, it was a pleasure talking to you. Maybe we'll get a chance to chat again sometime."
7. Record the name in a "new contacts" file: Top sales representatives keep a record of new contact names and information, including where and when they met. Review it now and then, especially when you will be attending a conference or meeting where you may see these individuals again.
Using these techniques will dramatically increase your ability to recall names, but it is inevitable that at one time or another you may slip up. If you do happen to run into someone whom you previously met and can't remember his or her name, you have two options:Look delighted to see the person, lock eyes and extend a warm "Good to see you again," and then find out the name from a friend or guest list later.Or, with the same warmth, try the more direct: "I remember you well, but your name has slipped my mind.

Mengingat Nama Menggunakan Kaedah (10)

10 Effective ways to remember names
Sigmund Freud said "a person's name is the single context of human memory most apt to be forgotten."
Feelings of embarrassment and social ineptitude are conveyed through this forgetfulness, and, unfortunately, the problem persists daily. The ability to remember names is an important skill that gives you an advantage in social and business settings. However, the way you associate and remember names is based on your learning style and personality type.

The following list of ten effective ways to remember names combines visual, aural, and strategic techniques. Once you find the best fit for you, it will become easier to avoid muttering the most awkward and impersonal sentence in the English language: "Hey you!"

1. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
As soon as you hear a name, repeat it back to the person. "It's good to finally meet you, Shahrul Arba'iah - I hear you're the expert on sign language."
If you don't do this, you will forget her name within ten seconds of meeting her. Also be sure to repeat the name aloud in the beginning, during and at the end of the conversation. This will allow you to widen various areas of your memory circuit.
"That's a great story Shirine!" "Wow Tiaz, you obviously know your hockey." If you speak the name, hear the name, and listen to yourself say the name, you will remember it.

2. Inquiry
The number one rule in interpersonal communication is to show a genuine interest in the other person. So, ask your new colleague to explain the personal significance of their name. Ask if they go by a nickname. Inquire about the culture from which their name was derived. The spelling question is also effective. Even if Paji or Emi is only spelled one way you can always ask if they prefer "Paji," "Fazli," "Emi" or "Hazmi."
In so doing, you show them you care about them as a person. You also transform their name from an arbitrary fact into a meaningful representation of them. Ultimately, you will flatter them and make them feel appreciated.

3. Dramatize Faces
You probably remember faces better than you remember names. Great! This will only make it easier when you dramatize someone's face and associate facial feature with their name. For example, if their nose or hair is particularly memorable, make a connection using alliteration with their name. Iqram has flat hair. Hazwan has a long nose.
The trick is to make your associations and dramatizations memorable and interesting. Remember, that which is exaggerated and ridiculous is memorable.

4. Forget About You
"Did I give him the 'cold fish' handshake?" "Did I even look into her eyes?" "Do you think she noticed the logo on my company briefcase?" If you try too hard to make a good first impression, odds are you will have no idea to whom you make a good first impression to!
So don't think about yourself! Forget about you! Concentrate on them. When you become too self-conscious and nervous during the moment of introduction, it will interfere with your memory.

5. Write Them Down
If you are a visual learner, write down the name of the person. This is a flawless method to remember. Most networking functions and meetings take place where tables, pens, and paper are available.
Throughout the conversation, look down at the name in front of you, and then look at the person. Azwa. Then look at the name again. Azwa. Then look at the person again. Azwa. You'll never forget.
The additional benefit when you do this, unbeknownst to you, is that at least one other person in your group will see you write the name down. Talk about a good first impression!

6. Inner Monologue
Imagine you've already used Saloma's name during the conversation. You seem to have it committed to memory. Then again, you don't want to overuse her name orally. Even if a person's name is the sweetest sound they will ever hear, you don't want to make it too obvious that you use the repetition trick.
Fortunately, there are countless opportunities during the conversation to quickly say the name to yourself while you look at their face:
· while they get a pen
· while they take a drink
· while they get something out of their desk
· while they laugh at your hilarious joke.
It only takes a few seconds to look at someone and silently think to yourself, "Saloma. Saloma. Saloma." Don't worry; you won't miss anything if you choose to do this at the appropriate times.

7. Introduce Someone Else
"Have you met my coworker Afzan?" you ask the nameless person. "I don't believe I have," he says, "My name is Farid. It's nice to meet you Afzan." Fahmi. That's his name! You thought it was Faizal! Thank God you introduced him to someone else or you would be floating up the eponymous creek.
Furthermore, if you introduce someone you just met to another person, it allows you to:
· take control of the conversation
· show your willingness to encourage connections, and
· expand someone else's network of colleagues.

8. Listen and Look for Name Freebies
More often than not, you won't be the only person who knows the name of your new colleague. This means that other people will say their name, and you will be reminded. No charge. All you have to do is pay attention.
Also remember to keep your eyes open for subtle, visual reminders such as business cards, receipts, nametags, jewelry, table tents, and personal papers. Without getting too nosey, it will be easy to identify these name freebies that paint you out of your memory corners.

9. Practice. Practice. Practice.
That's the hard part. But over time you will learn how these different techniques for name memory will work best for you.

10. Attitude. Attitude. Attitude.
That's the easy part. However, while practice enhances your name memory over time, it only takes a few seconds to decide to change your attitude. Don't let yourself think that you can't remember names. In fact, from this moment on, you are no longer bad with names. Combine this new attitude with your recently acquired skills, and you'll never have to say "Hey you!" again.
These ten effective techniques to remember names will be helpful to cross the chasm between you and a potential colleague or associate. When you identify and amplify someone's name, you won't suffer a loss of face. Ultimately, your interactions and conversations will become more personal and comfortable.
Being able to remember names is a valuable asset in both the business and social arenas. It helps you build instant rapport with new contacts, and, as many companies place a premium on interpersonal and relationship-building skills, it makes a decidedly good impression on employers, too.

So eliminate "whatshername" and "whatshisface" from your vocabulary....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quality Makes Perfect (5): Implementing Gap Analysis

Gap analysis involves internal and external analysis. Externally the firm must communicate with customers. Internally, it must determine service delivery and service design. The steps involved in the implementation of the gap analysis are:

  1. Identification of customer expectations
  2. Identification of customer experiences
  3. Identification of management perceptions
  4. Evaluation of service standards
  5. Evaluation of customers communications

Indahnya Cinta

Indahnya Cinta...belum sempat dibaca sepenuhnya buku ini dengan penuh tumpuan kerana kesempitan waktu...benarlah sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah SAW bahawa 2 perkara yang sangat patut dihargai ialah waktu lapang sebelum datangnya waktu sempit dan nikmat kesihatan sebelum datangnya waktu sakit. Semoga Allah sentiasa melapangkan waktu untuk aku melakukan pembacaan dan semoga beroleh ilmu pengetahuan yang amat berguna dari pembacaan tersebut...Amin Ya Rabb Al-Alamin.

Walau bagaimanapun aku dapat membuat skimming dan scanning dan mendapati perkara berikut tentang persaudaraan...Sebab-sebab Terjalinnya Persaudaraan:

  • Mengucap salam dan memberi senyum
  • Mendoakan saudara kita dari kejauhan tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakan
  • Mengunjungi saudara kerana Allah
  • Silaturrahim (menjalin hubungan kekeluargaan)
  • Mengingati mati-merupakan penyebab lembutnya hati
  • Memberi maaf

Semoga aku sentiasa dikurniakan hati yang lembut basah mencintai saudara-saudaraku kerana Allah. Cinta yang tiada bertepian adalah cinta kerana Allah.

You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World (A Treasure Chest Of Reminder)

Do you want to be happy? We are all looking for an escape from worries, stress and depression and for ways to find happiness. This book presents the route to happiness in a nutshell, drawing on an Islamic teachings and the voice of "experts" both western and eastern. You are holding in your hands a treasure chest of reminders that will help you learn important lessons and set you on the path to happiness in this world and in the Hereafter, InsyaAllah.

The writer of this book Dr. Aid al-Qarni, with his rich experience and wide knowledge, has compiled in this book a collection of an invaluable moral and behavioral recommendations designed for securing the welfare and well-being of Muslim women.

"The happiness of the believer lies in loving Allah, and love for the sake of Allah brings deeper happiness whose taste is known to sincere believers who do not accept any substitute for it"

"Beautiful, fair females guarded in pavilions..." (Qur'an 55:72)

Be beautiful in spirit because the universe is beautiful

The stars in the sky are so beautiful, there is no doubt about it. Their beauty takes the breath away. It varies according to the time of day; it is different from morning to evening, from sunrise to sunset, from moonlit night to a dark night, from a clear sky to a foggy and cloudy sky. It may even differ from one moment to another. But all of it is beautiful and breathtaking... (page 141)

This book has been given by my sister in Islam (NFLA) who bought it while she was in Mekah performing her second time hajj:

...My dear Kata Hatiku, Praise be to Allah for bestowing me a wonderful friend like you...


LF Jan 2008

Thank you sister, this book has helped me a lot. May Allah bestows His blessings upon us all the time. You are a wonderful friend too. Thank you

Monday, August 18, 2008

Brides and Bridegrooms of 2008

The year 2008 marks the double wedding receptions. The new couples, who are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime together. May all the blessings of Allah be upon all of us throughout our life here and in the hereafter. Hassan and Norazwa (30 May 2008) and Noralfaiza and Rozita (25 July 2008). Congratulations to all my nephews and nieces.

Marriage (Nikah/Shaadi) is a solemn and sacred social contract between bride and groom. This contract is a strong covenant as expressed in Quran. Both parties mutually agree and enter into this contract.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How to Win Friends and Influence People

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is the title of a book written by Dale Carnegie. Most of the concepts introduced by him are very real to human nature. In a nutshell there are six ways to make people like you:

  • Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people

  • Rule 2: Smile

  • Rule 3: Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important found in any language

  • Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves

  • Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other person's interests.

  • Rule 6: Make the other person feel important- and do it sincerely.

Begin to apply this philosophy of appreciation at once on the nearest you-and watch the magic work...

Quality Makes Perfect (4): Closing the delivery gap

Most companies assume they are consistently giving customers what they want. Usually they are kidding themselves. When A. James, R.F. Frederick, H. Barney and M. Rob through Bain & Company did a research on 362 firms and they found out that 80% believed they delivered a "superior experience" to their customers. But when they asked customers about their own perceptions, A. Jame et. al heard a very different story. They said that only 8% of companies were really delivering...They also found that the delivery gap exists for two fundamental reasons. The first is the basic paradox in business-Most growth initiatives damage the most important source of sustainable growth- a loyal, profitable customer franchise. The second reason the delivery gap exists is that good relationships are hard to build. It is extremely difficult to understand what customers really want, keep the promises you make to them and maintain the right dialogue to ensure that you adjust your propositions according to the customers' changing or increasing needs. I think both points are certainly true for schools but again we need to conduct a research on that point then only we could be certain with A. James et. al.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Quality Makes Perfect (3): What is Service Quality Gap?

Service Quality Gap indicates the difference between the service expected by the customers and the service they actually perceived or received . The wider the gap because of expectation is greater than performance, the more dissatisfied would be the customers towards the perceived service quality.

There are seven gaps in the service quality concept, Gap1, Gap2, Gap3, Gap4, Gap5, Gap 6 and Gap7. The three important gaps, which are more associated with the external customers are Gap1, gap5 and Gap6.

  • The existence of Gap1 is due to not knowing what customers expect from the service
  • Gap2 exists because of the wrong service quality standard adopted by the company
  • Gap3 is the service-performance gap; eventhough the company has put forward the right quality standard the worker who delivered the service has a very low performance in doing it.
  • Gap4 is when the promises do not match the delivery; the company promises different thing and delivers a different thing to the customer.
  • Gap5 is the discrepancy between customer expecations and their perceptions of service delivered.
  • Gap 6 si the discrepancy between customers expectations and the employees' perceptions.
  • Lastly, gap 7 is the discrepancy between employees' perceptions and management perceptions.

So, to win the heart of the customers, the company should put forward certain strategies that could close any possible gaps. The three important gaps to be closed would be Gap1, gap5 and Gap6 as they are more associated with the customers. Therefore to labour the interest of the customers towards our service we must provide services without gaps.

Similarly in school, if we want to win the heart of our students as they are the customers to us we must provide services far better than what they expect from the school. However with the unique kind of services provided by school and the unique kind of customers that we have would that be possible to inspire a high quality standard kind of school? To know the real answer to this problem we should do a lot of research on our service as well as on our customers...the journey should have started here....

Al-aqlu Salim Fi Jismi Salim

..."Trn main ptgni. Friendly game dgn Hulu Bernam 5.30 ptg-Pengurus" Received this message while I was having a class at IKBN this afternoon. I rushed home after class just to join the friendly match. At least to flush out all the unwanted accumulated toxic in my body if not to win the game. Recently we have set up a netball team with the sole objective to create a healthy society among the Bernam Jaya folks. Beside netball we also having aerobic every weekend. The healthy mind comes from the healthy body as quoted from the arabic famous saying. Stay Healthy Stay Young (especially at heart) and Stay Close in Relationship....Bersamamu Bernam Jaya.

Monday, August 11, 2008 are always on my mind

You are always on my mind... but at the moment I have to struggle very hard for my PhD...It really demand my time. I go out at 6.30 am and come back quite late in the evening. My writing up progress is also very slow. Below is the e-mail from my supervisor to show where am I about now. It's quite difficult to handle many things at one time but I'm sure you know your daughter well... never easily give up pa...I can still remember your piece of advice pa..."Genggam bara api biar jadi abu..." eventhough it was given 30 years back. Pa... I am in great need for your prayer...please pray for my destiny. My prayer also goes to you pa...all the time. Thank you pa...for every thing.

Dear Kata Hatiku...
Yes I am back from B & thanks for the introduction to the Case Study Format.
Well I am quite well versed with Case Study formats as I have edited 3 case study monographs in IAB. You may use the approach but since yours is a PhD Thesis you have to still keep to the conventions of a research study.
Do you think you want to see me some time soon to discuss details? Have you analysed your findings.let's sit and talk and let's complete this study by the end on this year.
Take care and all the best.
Dr Supervisor

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Congratulation To Dr Shahrul Arba'iah binti Othman (Kak yah)

Congratulation for being confered by the National University of Malaysia (UKM) the advanced academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the 9th August 2008 (First Session). Her dissertation was on factors contributing to the academic excellence of the deaf students.
Currently teaching at MBSKL. Possess an excellent academic background. Former student of SEMSAS and represented SEMSAS in hockey during her school time (primary information gathered through personal conversation). I guess her humble motto is "Be yourself..."

I hope her victory could inspire me to complete mine too. Congratulation again, hardwork pays...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mendidik Hati

Di dalam jasadku ini ada seketul daging, apabila baik daging itu maka baiklah keseluruhan jasadku. Maka sebaliknya jika tidak baik daging tersebut maka tidak baiklah pula seluruh jasadku.
Itulah sekeping hati yang memainkan peranan yang sangat penting di dalam diri seorang yang bernama manusia seperti aku. Hati ini bagaikan sebuah kereta, mempunyai pelbagai warna, ada yang putih, ada hijau, ada merah, ada kuning, ada biru dan sebagainya. Diwarnai mengikut kecenderungan pemiliknya. Jika dimiliki oleh tuan yang rajin maka seringlah kereta ini dibersihkan, di belai dan touch up dengan aksessori yang cantik dan mahal. Sebaliknya jika ia dimiliki oleh tuan yang malas, tidak punyai perasaan kasih dan sayang kepadanya, sebulanpun belum tentu dibersihkan apa lagi untuk dibelai dan ditouch up.
Untuk kelihatan cantik, berkilat serta kemas, kereta ini hendaklah selalu dibersihkan. Begitu juga dengan hati kita, perlu sentiasa dijaga, dibersihkan, semoga ia akan menjadi sekeping hati yang bersih, tulus ikhlas, beriman dan bertaqwa kepadaNya.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life is like a rainbow...

Life is just like a rainbow. Painted with various colours. Man has the freedom to choose the colour and bestowed with guts to splash whatever colour to be painted on the drawing life block. Be it green, yellow, red, blue or even just the choice of wisdom.

Menghargai saat bersama...

Kadang-kadang apa yang ada di hadapan mata kita langsung tidak dihargai...kita lebih nampak kebaikan yang jauh daripada kita. Sedangkan yang jauh itu hanyalah sebuah fatamorgana yang mana tidak wujud langsung seperti yang kita sangkakan. Sebenarnya apa yang ada di hadapan kita itulah anugerah sebenar yang Allah nak beri pada kita. Itulah yang sebenarnya terbaik buat kita, tetapi kerana penilaian kita lebih berdasarkan nafsu-nafsi maka yang terbaik itu kelihatan seperti batu di antara permata. Cuba menghargai sesutu yang hampir dengan kita itu seringkali amat sukar bagi kita melakukannya. Ada sahaja penghalang untuk kita berbuat demikian. Hanya pada satu ketika ia sudah menjauhi kita baharulah terasa akan kehilangannya...barulah kita merasakan yang hilang itulah permata di antara kaca...