Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Congratulation...A Wonderful Friend, Sister In Islam

Kenangan buat sahabat yang dekat di hati dan dekat di mata,
namun jauh dari pandangan!

Assalamualaikum, sayang!
Pesan Al-Ghazali ..
Yang dekat itu MATI
yang jauh itu MASA
yang besar itu NAFSU
yang berat itu AMANAH
yang indah itu SOLAT
yang mencuci rohani dan jasmani itu PUASA
marilah kita berdoa semoga amalan kita pada bulan Ramadan ini dirahmati dan diberkati ... Insya Allah.
SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN IBADAH PUASA!- Kak farah (Nurfarah Lo binti Abdullah/NFLA)
Recieved Kak farah's e-mail this evening with the wonderful pictures of her Big Day...CONGRATULATION for being confered an Advanced Degree of Philosophical Doctor (2008) from the University of Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim. I'm so proud of you my dear. I hope it will be a spearhead to enjoin goodness in this world and reap the benefit in the hereafter. I hope your hard work and perspiration would always inspire me. May Allah bless you, me, our families, our friends and all the believers and may Allah also strengthen our faith and brotherhood throughout the way. Ramadhan Kareem, Ameen...